Monday, November 28, 2005

Galatians 1:6-10

Ever since the very beginnings of the Church, there have been wolves amongst the sheep, spreading dissension and false teachings. Some of the major false teachings in the New Testament include sects known as Judaized Christianity, legalistic Christianity, and lawless Christianity, all of which fall short of the message of Christ. While Judaized Christianity isn't such a big deal in the United States, legalistic Christianity and lawless Christianity are. It is especially the latter which is beginning to thrive and grow in many churches.

A false gospel known as cheap grace is emerging. It basically says, "Since we're saved by grace, we can do whatever we want. No life-change is needed. No obedience is needed." This doctrine develops because of a faulty understanding of the New Testament and is no doubt also driven by the desire to do whatever we want. It misses entirely the gospel message of Christ, especially the gospels, where Christ demands us to become His disciples and follow Him in His Way. Cheap grace says discipleship is for the super-Christian; Jesus says there's no salvation outside discipleship!

Anyone who spread false gospels, such as cheap grace, is cursed. He or she is cursed because not only is he or she distorting the message of God, but he or she is leading others astray, pointing them down dead-end avenues and turning their eyes from the real and living God.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Galatians 1:1-5

We miss something--something huge--when we convince ourselves that Jesus' sole purpose for coming was to forgive us of our sins. When we believe this, we cling only to a half-truth. Did Jesus' death on the cross forgive our sins? Most definitely! The cross brings redemption to the table. But if we stop there, we miss something that is, in my mind, even greater: the resurrection! We often spend so much time contemplating His death and sacrifice that the resurrection is slighted. The cross is the prelude to the resurrection, for while the cross brings us forgiveness, it is the resurrection that holds the greatest blessing!

Verse 3 and 4 tell us, "Jesus Christ rescued us from this evil world we're in by offering himself as a sacrifice for our sins. God's plan is that we all experience that rescue." It's clear, isn't it? Christ's ultimate goal was delivering us from this evil world and placing us in the arms of God. That is Jesus' mission, not simply forgiveness. Through Christ's forgiveness, we are reconciled to God. Reconcilation is symbolized by Christ's bodily resurrection, and all of us can take part of this resurrection by entering the Kingdom of God: renewed intimacy with God, intimacy with others, and intimacy with creation!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

We're Coming Back!

O.K., so it's been a while. That's okay. The little contemplations and meditations will be coming back tomorrow and onwards as I study through Paul's letters. I have concluded a theological survey of Galatians and plan on throwing contemplations up on this site. I would love feedback and conversation. I'm in college now and life is a little crazy--but fun--and over the summer and spring last year, life was even crazier, if it can be believed. Perhaps that has to do with why the contemplations seemed to fizzle out. Nevertheless, I am excited about exploring God's message to us, and I hope you join me for the ride. I should have one contemplation/meditation up every day or every other day, so just check in every now and then.

Blessings in Christ to all who are His disciples!